I mention 12th place as a cheeky reference to Glee. Apologies to those readers who find Glee annoying. While I see how the show can elicit that reaction, there's no denying that it's funny. And full of quotable quotes: Principal Figgins to Sue Sylvester "Sue, the dry cleaners here are just as good as the ones in Europe."
And thus Glee comes around to Elsie! Why, yes, we do have decent dry cleaners here in Europe who are probably as good as the ones in Ohio. Do you know what else Europe has (though Ohio doesn't)? Elsie, the ICLC, the Ithaca College London Center- call it what you like, we are so delighted that our students gave us positive feedback on Study Abroad 101 and landed us in 6th place for Best Places to Study Abroad in the whole entire world.
As ever, this accolade brought about another opportunity for an interview with Bill Sheasgreen. Sometime soon he will learn that it's best to turn up for these interviews. Sometime soon I might even invite him to one. Until then, here is what Bill "said" about our achievement.
Claire Mokrauer-Madden: Bill, congratulations to the ICLC on placing in the top 10! How do you feel about that?
Bill Sheasgreen: Context- remember that the Beatles' first single 'Love me do' only made it to 27 in the Hit Parade!*
CMM: So are you saying there are bigger things in store for the ICLC?
BS: In many ways, yes, that is what I mean. This year the London Center is 40 years young. Before we know it Elsie is going to be at the top of the Hit Parade!
CMM: Umm, don't you mean the London Center will be at the top of the list of the best places to study abroad?
BS: Yes, we will do that, too, but I have big plans to take on the Beatles while we're in the business of topping lists. And of course there's my history with McCartney...
CMM: Sorry, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about. Do you know Paul McCartney?
BS: Hmmm... does one ever really KNOW Paul McCartney? This question has been lurking in my mind for a few decades now. I thought we had settled that we would form a band together after the Beatles broke up. Then he stopped answering my calls, and then all of a sudden he turns up in Wings! And playing songs that I'd written! I won't say which songs are mine, but let's just say that from there our relationship has been icy. He tried to get back in touch in the mid '90's, but by then I had washed my hands of the man. Even talking about it now I'm getting a little emotional. We had better draw a line under that period of my life.
CMM: Ok, then back to placing 6th in the world and first place in study abroad programs in London, how do you feel about that?
BS: I'm really chuffed! I've been pretty focused on the prospects of the cricket team this semester, so this took me by surprise, making it even more exciting!
CMM: That's great! On a side note, how has the team been this semester?
BS: We needed a lot of work in the beginning, but I think the team will clinch the tournament. And have I mentioned how good our uniforms look?
CMM: Yes, I think you have mentioned it before. But thank you for bringing a photo of the uniforms to include in this blog post. Jeremy must enjoy modeling it for you. Thank you for your time, I should be getting back to work, but these interludes are always enlightening.
BS: You're more than welcome! I really enjoy these interviews with you. I would even say they're effortless.
To see some actual journalistic representation of the ICLC's making the list of the top 10 of best places to study abroad check out the Huffington Post!
*Interviewer's note: true fact, Bill did actually say this.
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